Markus Williams
2025 BSc Hons student working with Joel - bringing some molecular dynamics into the lab toolkit - will be great to see how we can wield this tool, which we should have had in-house years ago!
Engagements are the flavour of the last month or so!
We finished off 2024 with one current lab member getting engaged and one former lab member also getting engaged! Recently completed BSc Hons student Simone is now engaged to her partner Shay (who recently completed a Film Studies degree at USyd and is hoping to head to drama school in 2025), while former Hons student and research assistant Tash was the recipient of an elegant (and practical) silicone ring from her engineer partner Harrison. Both romantic gestures, but it's likely that only Tash's ring will be able to be used to reseal a leaking camp stove when in the bush... I should also add that Harrisoin's proposal was made when they were half-way up a 270-m, eight-pitch climb in the...
Structural biology’s annual Xmas croquet picnic – 2024 edition
Perfect weather and a newly renovated lawn greeted us upon arrival at the Marrickville Croquet Club - and of course our resident croquet host-tutor, the recently un-retired Prof. Gareth Denyer. A total of 28 of the Structural Biology cooperative turned up, many bringing home-made food, including some national specialties; I was quite partial to the Georgian Nigvziani Badrijani (cheesy flatbread) and Kachapuri (eggplant and walnuts), Clement's potato salad and Shahnaz' fishcakes [with Alysha's Kourabiedes (Greek Xmas cookies) and Jacqui's Australasian pavlova - kiwifruit on one half and mango on the other - getting special mention for dessert. OK - I had some of Milad's baklava too...]....
Honours ice cream celebration!
The BSc Hons students for 2024 have given all the talks, submitted all the theses and generally ticked all the boxes that are required for the year and have had the chance to enjoy a well deserved gelato from Messina up in Newtown. Well done Simone, Jenny and...
Clement’s iGEM team win big!
Clement (along with syn bio lab heads Dr Yu Heng Lau and Dr Constance Bailey) coached a team of undergraduate students - of mixed year and mixed degree major - for this year's iGEM competition, which they got to present in Paris at the big jamboree. They were...
Joel attends ICMRBS in Seoul – and checks out the impressive bike infrastructure of S. Korea
Travelled to Seoul for the ICMRBS NMR conference - with my old Ti road bike in tow to spend 3 days on 4 rivers before the meeting. It’s a 600-km purpose built separate bike path from the top to the bottom (Incheon to Busan). It was my first time in South Korea so...
Joel tackles the Stoos Trail ultra in Switzerland
Report from Joel: To cap off a week of hiking with Jacqui in the Swiss alps last week - and get a last glimpse at this extraordinarily scenic part of the world, I turned up for the 46-km Stoos Trail ultramarathon. It was a very local, low-key event with several...
May graduation, 2024
We had a bumper edition of graduation recently with Kim receiving her PhD and Andrea and Erekle graduating with their BSc Hons (1st class) degrees. Kim has found herself a postdoc position in neurobiology - just where she was hoping to end up!), Andrea has...
Auf wiedersehen Jakob…
Jakob Helmbrecht bravely ventured down under, risking crocodile attacks and leech bites to work in the lab under the tutelage of Clement and Lucien for 5 months - and he is now setting sail back to Germany to polish his Masters off by embarking on a little more...
Lab alumnus Michael Webster publishes his first last-author paper – in Cell!
Michael, a BSc Hons student in the lab in 2012, now has an independent group leader position at the highly regarded John Innes Center for Plant Science in the UK. He has just reported his structure of the RNA polymerase from plant plastids - in a paper in Cell - in...
Lab walk in the Blue Mountains
We ventured out into the lower Blue Mountains for a day hike on Sat 24 Feb. The forecast was that there might be some rain. And there was. The first couple of hours were persistent - though not heavy - rain. Fortunately the canopy protected us from some direct...
The lab hits the big time on Youtube
We recently had a camera crew in the lab from Horticultural Innovation Australia. They are providing some funding for our work to design new, selective pesticides targeting the Varroa mite that has made its way to Australian in the last year or so and is causing...
Lucien picks up a poster prize at the annual meeting of the ANZSCDB – not our usual hunting ground!
Several lab members took the opportunity to attend the annual meeting of the NSW chapter of the Aus and NZ Society for Cell and Molecular Biology - which was held at Uni of Sydney a couple of weeks ago. Posters were presented and Lucien impressed them sufficiently...
Zahra and Erekle show us how it’s done at the ASBMB meeting
At the recent ASBMB annual meeting in Canberra (which was an excellent meeting, I thought - great speakers, great venue, nice size and really nice feeling), Erekle Kobhakidze (2023 Mackay lab BSc Hons student) and Zahra Falahati (Mackay lab first year PhD student)...
Flojo – a life
With great sadness, Jacqui and Joel shepherded Flojo to her last big sleep at the vet on the weekend. She was with us for 20 of her 22 years and was a part of our lives for so long. We were so lucky to have her as a companion. The house seems much quieter today -...