Improbably, Joel and his rogaining partner Phil Whitten sneaked in by only 20 points (out of 2690) to win the 24-h Australian Rogaining Championships held last weekend in the Eastern MacDonnell Ranges near Alice Springs. For those of you who have never heard of the sport, rogaining is a long-distance version of orienteering. You are given a topographic map with ~50-60 specific points marked on it (each worth different amounts of points) and you have to plan a course to visit as many of them as possible in the allotted time – anywhere from 6-24 h depending on the event. Joel and Phil covered ~90-100 km over the 24 h, across fairly uncompromising central Australian terrain filled with panoramic views and spinifex bushes. The web site for the event is here.
Engagements are the flavour of the last month or so!
Engagements are the flavour of the last month or so!
We finished off 2024 with one current lab member getting engaged and one former lab member also...