Protein structure, function and engineering

ECPM 2007

The tradition of the East Coast Protein Meeting has been revived in recent years, thanks to an initiative from some protein people (Bostjan Kobe and others) in Queensland, and it has become a regular feature on our calendar. The good thing about the meeting is that it focuses on giving students and postdocs a chance to speak at a meeting. The meeting is also organized by the younger crowd, which is a good feature I think.

All of the meetings have been held at the Opal Cove Resort in Coffs Harbour, mostly because it worked out well the first time (in 2003) and it isn’t *too* far from half way between Brissy and Sydney. This year (as in past years) a good number of the lab headed up to Coffs, and we were treated to some very nice weather, as well as some great talks by both the students and by the two invited plenaries – Nick Dixon and Ashley Buckle. You can read a summary of the meeting on the Sydney Protein Group website.

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