Protein structure, function and engineering

Janet and Stephen’s wedding Dec 2008

Time for another lab wedding! Well, a structural biology wedding, at any rate. Janet Deane, one of Jacqui’s first PhD students, tied the knot with Stephen Graham, who was a PhD student with Mitchell Guss at the same sort of time. Janet and Stephen have been postdoc-ing in Oxford for the last couple of years, but returned to Sydney for their nuptials.

The wedding took place at the (adjacent) houses of Janet’s parents and sister, up in Blackheath in the Blue Mountains. It was a great afternoon, albeit slightly damp with a bit of a storm passing through (fortunately it waited till *after* the official knot was tied). Janet was gorgeous in a strapless number, and Stephen only had a few months growth on his chin, and scrubbed up pretty well in his suit. Joel, Jacqui, Chu Wai and Ann were in attendance from our lab, and Mitchell, David Langley, the Duffman and Megan represented the solid-state side of protein structure determination.

The service was very nicely done and they hosted a meal in a marquee at the bottom of the garden afterwards. This is when the rain made its appearance, cunningly infiltrating the cracks between the two marquees and creating a nice ‘creek’ effect between some of the tables. Janet’s wedding shoes will never be quite the same again…

The happy couple zoomed off back to Oxford soon afterwards, where they are now living in matrimonial bliss while awaiting funding to shift themselves slightly eastwards to Cambridge to continue their careers (which are looking promising!).

All photos are courtesy of Chu Wai – thanks Chu!


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