Undergraduate from Germany with Joel.
Jessica Zhong
2017-20. Just-finished PhD student with Joel who pioneered chromatin remodelling assays and was chief nucleosome wrangler. Now postdocing with Sandro.
Undergraduate from Germany with Joel.
2017-20. Just-finished PhD student with Joel who pioneered chromatin remodelling assays and was chief nucleosome wrangler. Now postdocing with Sandro.
Hons student working in Joel’s lab on transcription factor PTMs – ably supervised by Ingrid and Kim.
Ex. PhD student with Joel. Was an ARC Postdoctoral Fellow at U. Adelaide with Dr Grant Booker. Now a businessman.
Honours student with Joel. Fishy character from Chemistry. Went to do Medicine.
Medical student with undying interest in RNA-binding proteins.
Honours student with Jacqui. Please disregard Chu surfing the web in background.
2009-2024. Structural biology lab manager (the person who *really* runs the lab), confidante, hustler (watch out if you are a sales rep) and more. After doing a fantastic job for 15 years, and seeing several hundred lab members pass through, she has moved across the railway tracks to give a local startup company (Gelion) the benefit of her expertise and experience.
3013-2022. Longtime postdoc in the Mackay lab – frequently consulted as the oracle of cloning, not to mention mass spectrometry… Some would say he ran the joint. Now spreading his biotech wings with Insamo – an mRNA display startup co-started up by collaborator Toby Passioura.
2015-2022. First visiting PhD student, then visitor, then research assistant working on numerous projects, from the design of new insecticides that are safer and more selective to mechanisms of chromatin remodelling. Now moved one floor down, so nice to still see her around!
2014-2022. Hons and PhD student and then postdoc with Jacqui. Has finally managed to escape – across the road to work in the synthetic biology space (very hip!) with Peter Rutledge.
2018-22. Membrane protein crystallography aficionado who worked with Joel on a collaboration with Prof Michael Kassiou to design new modulators of P2X proteins.
2018-2022. PhD student and then postdoc working with Richard Payne in Chemistry and partly in collaboration with Joel. Key member of the Payne lab outpost that we’ve established in our lab space. Skillfully walked the line between being a chemist and a biochemist! Now in the real world of biotech, just down the road at AbCellera!
2019-2023. PhD student with Joel who made the jump from membrane proteins to transcription factors (and their PTMs) – very sensible! Now with CRISPR experience up her sleeve and looking to unleash it on other labs! Starting nearby with Mark White at USyd.
BSc Hons and PhD student (thesis awarded!) who worked with Joel and Jason to examine preferences held by chromatin remodellers and BET proteins for post-translational modifications in endogenous nucleosomes.
2019-2023. Hons student and then research assistant working with Joel on a collaborative project with Alyson Ashe – on transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. Also had a partner who was handy with a 3D printer (thank you for my CHD4-bound nucleosome!). Now showing them how it’s done at Monash, working with Qi Zhang and Chen Davidovich on the PRC2 complex.
2023. Research assistant working with Joel on safer insecticides (*and* kept the lab stocks up to scratch). Left to embark on a PhD with Ann.
2022-3. Research assistant working with Joel to make safer and more selective insecticides.
Honours student with Joel. Fishy character from Chemistry. Went to do Medicine.
Medical student with undying interest in RNA-binding proteins.
Honours student with Jacqui. Please disregard Chu surfing the web in background.
Honours student with Joel and martial dancer (capoeira). After the army in Singapore, started a PhD in the US.
Honours student with Jacqui. Became a clinical research associate.
Honours student with Joel. Did PhD with Jenny Potts in York.
Research Assistant with Joel – seems to like the Irish rugby team.
Research assistant with Jacqui.
Masters student with Joel. HRH. Now working for Questacon.
Experiment in mammalian dessication.
Sabbatical visitor. Prof. at U. Maryland.
PhD student with Joel. Gone to places afar. Now works for Wellcome in London.
Post-doctoral fellow with Jacqui (pretending to work).
PhD student with Jacqui. Remarkable hair transformations a specialty. Now with regulatory body in Canberra.
Honours student with Dave/Joel (generally appears more 3-dimensional). Went on to do medicine.
Honours student with Joel. Quiet (very).
Honours student with Jacqui.
Post-doctoral fellow with Jacqui. Now a lecturer in Queensland.
BSc Hons and PhD student with Joel. Worked as a scientist in industry and now with a scientific supplier.
Postdoctoral fellow with Joel, troublemaker. Now involved in science education.
BSc Hons and PhD with Jacqui. Thoughtful. Now running a lab in Cambridge.
PhD student with Joel. Now working at Apollo Life Sciences.
BSc Hons and Research Assistant with Jacqui. Hairy. Working for a volunteer agency in Edinburgh.
Post-doctoral fellow with Joel. Multitasking as a mother and a researcher at the Victor Chang Cardiac Res. Inst.
Visiting scholar with Jacqui from Sweden.
Honours student with Dave. Now working at the Garvan.
Visiting scholar from Germany with Jacqui. Deja vu.
PhD student and postdoc with Joel. Part of the lab basketball phase. Briefly institutionalized (VCCRI) – now recovered. Had a few years eating haggis at U. Dundee and now working for NHMRC in Canberra.
PhD student with Jacqui. Part of the lab basketball phase. Postdoced in Dundee and now at ANU in Canberra (can you see a link?) – and collaborating with Joel!
PhD student with Jacqui. Mysterious. Now working in France at the synchrotron in Grenoble.
BSc Honours student witih Jacqui. Paintballer – watch out… Now working as a research assistant at the Kolling Institute.
BSc Honours student with Dave. Mad scientist in the making.
Visiting scholar from Germany with Joel. Deja deja vu.
BSc Honours student + research assistant with Jacqui. Nutbush specialist.
BSc Honours student with Jacqui. Call me Paris.
Undergraduate from Sweden, worked with Joel. Another one for our Scandanavian collection!
BSc Honours student with Jacqui. Ice hockey master (a bit unseasonal for Sydney, normally).
BSc Honours student with Joel. Helping to look after Chu Kong.
BSc Honours student with Joel. Worked in two labs at the same time!
BSc Honours student with Dave.
2001-9. PhD student with Joel and postdoctoral associate with Jacqui. Likes jelly rolls. Now postdoc-ing in Dunedin (Brrr!) with Catherine Day.
2009. Research assistant – worked in our lab as part of his world tour!
2004-9. PhD student with Joel. Call me Imelda (or Jeannie – or mom x 2).
2009. Undergrad. from France getting a taste of life in the Sunde lab.
summer student with Joel and general livewire.
Visiting PhD student from Spain, with Joel.
Postdoc with Joel. The weatherman.
1998-2002, 2006-8.
PhD student with Joel. Postdoc-ed with Rob Clubb at UCLA, came back, went to VCCRI – like a yo-yo…
Undergraduate from Germany; worked with Margie and contracted appendicitis (not related).
Ex. PhD student with Jacqui. Acronymic – NMR, SAXS…
2002, 2007-8.
Hons student (with Joel and Dave) and postdoctoral associate (with Jacqui). Off to Old Blighty… Now back in Sydney in Cath Suter’s lab at the Victor Chang.
PhD student with Joel. Now postdocing in Zurich with Fred Allain.
BSc Honours student with Jacqui.
BSc Hons student with Margie and Ann.
Undergraduate working with Dave.
BSc Hons. student and research assistant with Margie/Ann. Working hard on unicycle juggling (and hydrophobins) – and now dentistry.
2006-9. Postdoctoral associate with Joel. Shady, and undisputed master of dad jokes. Now working for Faculty of 1000.
2006-9. Inaugural Lab Manager. Made good cakes (valuable)!
2000-2009. Wellcome Postdoc Fellow, ARC Postdoc Fellow (with Joel), ARC Research Fellow. Set records at Lorne for fastest fun run and smallest poster. Now introducing PIs at U. Tasmania to the joys of protein science and structural biology. Sorely missed…
2009. BSc Hons student with Dave. Has headed for UTas to help start up Dave’s lab as a PhD student.
2009/10. Undergrad. summer student working with Joel and Siavoush.
2009/10. Undergrad. summer student working with Liza.
2010. Sabbactical visitor from the University of Minnesota (bbrrr….)
2010. Sabbactical visitor from the University of Minnesota (bbrrr….)
2009/10. Undergrad. from Germany working with Jacqui. Already in on the lab football!
2009/10. Undergrad. TSP student working with Jacqui, under Flyp and Sandra’s able guidance.
2009-10. Sabbactical visitor from the Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in Iran – here for some serious structural biology.
Research associate with Jacqui, by way of Brisbane, Cleveland and Glasgow.
2007-10. PhD student with Jacqui. Bushwalker extraordinaire.
2010. Undergraduate from Smith College in the US who worked with Jacqui.
2010. Collaborator visiting from deep in the agricultural heart of the US – UC Davis (note wheat in background). We are hoping to get him back…
2010. PhD student with Siavoush Dastmalchi in Iran. On a six-month visit to sample Mackay lab life in Sydney.
2007-10. Postdoctoral associate with Joel and adventure racer. Now a membrane crystallographer with Mika Jormakka.
2008-10. Postdoctoral associate with Jacqui. Has moved up in the world (to the 7th floor).
2010. BSc Hons student with Jacqui. Banana bender.
2010. BSc Hons student with Joel. Surfing scientist.
2010. BSc Hons student with Joel. Ultimate frisbee afficianado.
2010. BSc Hons student with Liza. Went out to the wild west (UWS) with Liza to do a PhD.
2010. BSc Hons student with Margie.
2009 and 2010. Danish postgraduate student. Came in 2009 and liked it so much she came back for more! Main job was to keep Sarah out of mischief.
2010. Undergraduate from Lund University working with Liza. We had quite a Scandanavian collection while he and Line were here!
2009-10. Hons with Jacqui and RA with Margie. Headed to Jamie R’s lab at Monash.
2005-10. Hons and PhD with Joel. After a period in Pharmacology at USyd, has moved to Nick Dixon’s lab in Wollongong (with a fellowship!).
2005-10. Hons and PhD with Jacqui. Moved to Melbourne to be closer to the synchrotron.
2009-10. Undergrad. from France – the French connection in Margie’s lab.
2010. USyd undergrad on a summer scholarship with Liza. One of those chemist types we wish we had more of!
2006-11. BSc Hons and PhD student with Joel. Has undying devotion to Singapore Airlines, a liking for new kits and an unhealthy fascination with seamonkeys. Now with Gijsbert Grotenbreg at National University of Singapore.
2011. Undergraduate from Germany in Jacqui’s lab. Worked like a demon – and was justly rewarded!
2011. BSc Hons student with Joel. Off learning how to fix your teeth now!
2011. BSc Hons student with Liza.
2011. BSc Hons student with Liza.
2011. BSc Hons student with Margie.
2011. Undergraduate from Germany working with Margie.
2011. Undergraduate lab assistant.
2011. USyd undergrad who stayed on for more after a summer scholarship with Joel. Closet kiwi (don’t tell anyone she supports the ABs).
2011. Second year summer student with Jacqui.
2011. Second year summer student with Joel. Our Pebblepad professional.
2005-2010. PI and Sydney Protein Group dynamo! Now installed at UWS.
2004-2010. Postdoc with Joel – brought a taste of Austria to the lab. Gone to the wild west (UWS).
2007-12. PhD student with Dave – with Joel as surrogate supervisor. Wicked cross-court forehand (as Joel can attest – note to self: must hit more to her backhand…). Now taking the plunge into the membrane with Jacqui Gulbis at WEHI.
2011-12. Postdoc with Jacqui. Worked his way up to the NMR lab via the X-ray lab. Gone to sunny Cambridge – to the hallowed LMB – on a CJ Martin Fellowship for more crystallography.
2012. Postdoc with Joel. Came on a brief but very productive mouse-related mission.
2012. Swedish Masters student with Joel. Nailed those NuRD pulldowns!
2008-12. PhD student with Joel. Pipetted for three. Postdocing with Paul Curmi at UNSW.
2011-2. BSc Hons and RA with Jacqui. Never has anyone been so pleased to see a gel shift work! Off to Cambridge for a PhD with Ernest Laue.
2012. RA with Joel. Added extra cheer to the lab. Now doing a PhD with Daniela Stock at the VCCRI.
2002-2011. PI. Queen of amyloid. Now taken up a full academic position in the Dept of Pharmacology (which seems to require scuba gear on a regular basis!).
2008-11. PhD student with Margie. Justin <3 Ness. Finished (2012) and departed for Germany for a postdoc with Bernd Reif on solid-state NMR.
2009-11. MSc student with Margie – another amyloid convert. Also gone to Pharmacology.
2006-12. Postdoc and PhD student with Joel. Liable to knock you down (if you’re a splicing factor, that is). One of our few ESFJs…
2012. Undergrad student from Oxford who spent a couple of months with Jacqui.
2007-2013. PhD student with Jacqui. “The Interceptor” on the basketball court! Headed off to Dundee for a structural postdoc (after a brief sojourn in Cambridge) with Alessio Ciulli.
2012-3. Hons and RA with Sue Clark and Joel. Heading off to Monash for a PhD with Nadia Rosenthal.
PhD student with Joel. Drumming for the Zinc Fingers. Handed in, and headed off – to Berkeley to work with Jennifer Doudna on RNA-binding proteins (for a change).
2013. Hockey playing Master’s student from Germany who came and made huge progress on the NuRD complex work. Are hoping Germany will send us some more like him!
2012-3. Undergrad technical assistant for 2012. Following the path started by Paul many years ago…
2013. Undergrad TSP student in Joel’s lab – also entrusted to Ana’s care.
2007-13. PhD student and postdoc with Joel (and Sandro). The Finn with the killer spike on the volleyball court! Now handed in and back from a rest in Tahiti…to take up the zinc finger gauntlet again.
2009-13. PhD student with Joel. Came, played great indoor football, nailed some crystal structures and left us for an academic position in Saudi Arabia. We are hoping for some ongoing collaboration.
2012-3. BSc Hons student + RA with Joel. Won ‘longest commute’ award by quite some distance…! Moved on to a PhD in Cambridge with Lori Passmore.
2012-3. BSc Hons student + RA with Jacqui. A year of being looked after by Flyp didn’t put him off! Moved on to a PhD with Fred Antson in York.
2013. PhD student from Alice Vrielink’s lab way over in Perth. Left her husband – temporarily at least – to get some SELEX and protein characterization work done over here. Things went pretty well and she is now writing up (having just solved a crystal structure too!).
2013. BSc Hons student with Jacqui. Showing off our new line in off-the-shoulder labcoats.
2013. BSc Hons student with Jacqui. Wase subjected to Flyp’s rigorous Hons student training program (although I think she’s eased back on the waterboarding these days).
2013. BSc Hons student with Joel. Navigated with Katschi the labyrinth of deep sequencing data output (and provided us with cost-price plumbing supplies).
2013. BSc Hons student with Nick. Survived being a summer student with Dorothy – that’s something to put on your CV.
2013. Undergraduate student who did a TSP project with Joel and Jason. Took the first steps in a new project in the lab and did well.
2013-4. Visited Australia for a year and wanted to do some science – who can blame him?!
2013-4. Masters student from Hamburg. Came for some surfing and science (not necessarily in that order).
2010-14. Postdoc with Joel – our first Belgian! Her optimism is sorely missed. Now starting her own group back in Belgium.
2010-14. PhD student and postdoc with Joel. Made a huge contribution to the biology side of the lab. Now postdocing in a cancer lab at UNSW, putting those new skills to some good.
2013-4. BSc Hons student with Nick over in fume hood world.
2013-4. BSc Hons student with Ann. Also a jazz piano aficionado – fitted right in!
2014. Masters student from Lund in Sweden. Came on a recommendation from Mattias!
2014. Undergraduate from Brazil in Joel’s lab who came to further boost the Portuguese-speaking community in the Struct. Biol. division.
2014. Second year TSP student working with Katschi – becoming a qPCR expert.
2014. Sabbatical visitor from the Central European Institute of Technology in teh Czech Republic.
2014. BSc Hons student with Joel. Had the best first name in the lab.
2014. Third year undergraduate student working with Jason. A summer scholarship addict (she had two last summer…)!
2008-14. BSc Hons and PhD student with Jacqui. Chief mischief-maker and Bjork impersonator. Now working in sunny Canberra.
2009-14. BSc Hons PhD student with Joel. Spent half of her Hons year held together with sports tape. EM pioneer.
2014. Second year PhD student at Guanajuato University in Mexico. Came for 6 months to work with Joel – and make lots of friends!
2014. Research assistant with Joel – moved all the way from Level 7 to join the lab!
2014-5. Summer visitor from NZ working with Joel. Was lured from finance to biotech.
2014-5. Summer student with Jacqui. Bravely came over from UNSW for his summer research experience!
2011-4. PI (ARC DECRA Fellow) – came by way of the IMB and Tokyo U. A real, live chemist! Knew things like which end of a rotovap you put the sample in… Now returned to UQ.
2014-5. Undergraduate student who worked with Joel and Mario on the mammalian cell expression work.
2011-2015. PhD student with Jacqui. Netball queen. Liked Hons so much, she decided to stay. Joined a scientific supplier.
2015. Swedish Masters student who worked with Joel and Jason.
2015. Undergraduate student from Bilkent University in Ankara working in Joel’s lab. A real young Turk.
2015. BSc Hons student with Joel and Mario. Bravely came up from Canberra for Hons.
2015-6.Dutch student studying to be a lab technician. Had one-year placement with Joel/Jason and made herself indispensible!
2002-2016. Technical assistant [small animal handling].
2015. Undergraduate summer student in Jacqui’s lab.
2015. Undergraduate summer student who worked with Joel and Steph.
2015. Undergraduate summer student who worked with Joel and Jason.
2015. Intern from INSA in France, working with Ann. She didn’t provide the fresh croissants for morning tea we were hoping for…
2015. Masters student at AgroParisTech – here for an internship with Jacqui. That’s la Tour Eiffel in the background…
2015. Undergraduate exchange student from the University of Edinburgh, all the way over in bonny Scotland.
2015-6. Postdoc with Joel. Stepped into Ana’ shoes – with the EM, rather than the baby rearing – and now has returned to his WA homeland.
2016. Undergraduate TSP student working with Joel and Taylor (and previously in 2015 with Ana). Was thrown into structure determination at the deep end!
Masters student from Sweden working with Joel and Mario. Following in Mattias, Manar and Ida’s footsteps from Lund to Sydney.
2016. BSc Hons student working with Jacqui.
2016. Intern student from France working with Ann.
2008-16. PhD student with Jacqui. From Serbia – Joel’s Croatian heritage made lab soccer interesting. Did it tough for a while at the end but got there!
2008-… PhD student with Joel. Definitely had the tidiest desk in the lab…and a mean bass guitar. Chose another path mid-way through and doing well.
2016. Summer student with Joel and Mario – all the way from sunny Brisbane.
2016. Summer student with Ann.
2016. Summer student with Jacqui and Ngaio.
2016-7. BSc Hons student working with Ann in 2016. Staying on for a few months in 2017.
2017. MSc student working with Joel and Jason – coming all the way to us from Radboud University in the Netherlands.
2015-6. Visiting long-distance postdoctoral collaboratorand NMR whizz from Monash. Came to get some instruction from Ingrid on wet lab work.
2017. Visiting undergraduate student from Bilkent University in Turkey. Worked with Joel and Maryam (well, Maryam, really).
2002-17. Über-postdoc with Jacqui. No longer sponsored by Donut King…
2011-17. Hons and PhD student with Joel. Was chief lab photographer and occasional arsonist. Sense of humour so dry it needed a drink… Postdoc now at MIPS with Ray Norton.
2012-18.Hons and PhD student with Jacqui. Had the best (binding) curves… Currently a postdoc at UNSW with Paul Curmi.
2017. Visiting PhD student all the way from sunny San Diego (Scott Rifkin’s lab at UCSD). Here to measure some numbers!
2017. BSc Hons student who worked with Ingrid and Joel on Angelman Syndrome.
2017. BSc Hons student with Joel who was inspired to return after 2014 summer scholarship with Jason.
2017. BSc Hons student working with Jacqui. That’s Mack-e, not Mack-i…
2016-7. Undergraduate TSP student with Ann in 2017 who worked with Joel/Mario/Ana in 2016. Possibly one of the most productive TSP projects we’ve seen.
2017-8. TSP student who worked with Taylor, Mario and Jason. A keen structural biologist.
2017-8. Computational structural biologist who quietly sneaked into the lab on a six-month visit from his postdoctoral position at EMBL.
2018. French intern engineering student from Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Agronomie et des Industries Alimentaires (you asked) working for with Ann. Bienvenue!
2018. BSc Hons student working with Ann.
2018. Undergraduate TSP student who solved crystal structures (see evidence in background) with Karishma. Capitalized on her green crystallization fingers …
2017-8. MSc + Hons student with Jacqui. Now off overseas to persue her PhD. Bon voyage!
2016-7. Hons and MSc student with Jacqui. Now entered the nobel profession of teaching!
2018. PhD student with Sandro Ataide who helped out mightily with some bromodomain crystallography – not to mention keeping the lab running. Now postdocing with Alastair Stewart.
2015-8. PhD student with Joel. Came to us from the Royan Institute in Tehran with a *lot* of experience in the lab. Has moved a few minutes down the road to postdoc with John Rasko at Centenary.
2014-2018. BSc Hons and PhD student with Joel. Showed extraordinary poise in the face of the difficult proteins that she had to wrestle with.
PhD student who visited Joel’s lab from Qingdao Institute for Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology – part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Helped Jessica keep her Mandarin up to scratch.
2008-2017. Long-time postdoc with Jacqui and now manager of our new and exciting fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD) facility that is part of Sydney Analytical.
2014-2018. Protein biochemist and guitarist from Madrid who postdoc-ed with Joel. Now a staff scientist in the USyd Protein Production Facility that is part of Sydney Analytical – making bespoke proteins to order with consummate skill!
2015-2018. PhD student with Joel – all the way from the US of A (and proud of it – well, maybe less so lately…). Need some science communicated? She’s now your person!
2015-2019. BSC Hons + PhD student who worked with Jacqui. Did a good job working on a challenging collaborative project with another lab and has moved on to greater things!
2018/2019. Undergraduate student who worked with Ann.
2016-… BSc Hons student who worked with Ann in 2016.
2018-2019. Undergraduate summer/TSP student who got a taste of lab life working with Ann.
2018-2020. Undergraduate volunteer working with Ann.
2019. Undergraduate student volunteer working with Ann.
2019. Undergraduate student in the Dalyell program – working with Joel, under the tutelage of Xavier and Jessica.
2019. Second-year BMedSci student in the Dalyell program – working with Jason.
2012-2019. Postdoc with Joel. Crystallographer from Portugal via the UK. Has stepped away from the lab bench to the coding bench – out there in the big wide world with web design company Hypothesis! We’ll miss you Ana – but go get ’em!
PI and NMR Facility Manager, with her own unique style. Is delving into the mysterious world of solid-state protein NMR.
Find her at www.kwanlabusyd.com
Recent sabbatical visitor (and honorary ongoing lab member) from deep in the agricultural heart of the US. Is very proud of this fish.
Volunteer in Joel’s lab.
2020. Undergraduate student who dug into the mechanism of chromatin remodelling under Jessica’s watchful eye.
2021. Intrepid MSc student who worked with Yu Heng Lau in Chemistry on the very cool encapsulin family of proteins and spent some time in Joel’s lab to see the other side (of City Rd). Now forging a career in Biotech!
2021-2. Undergraduate student who worked with Jason and Joel to explore the use of cyclic peptides derived from mRNA display screens as intracellular modulators of protein function.
Sabbatical visitor from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in Iran – here to learn some protein structure and design in Joel’s lab.
Crystallographer from Prague who has joined Jacqui for a postdoctoral stint. Has an eye for a photo.
2021. BSc Hons student working with Joel, Ron and Emily Remnant – a crossover project where we merged our interest in transcription factors with Ron’s expertise in insecticide development and Emily’s deep knowledge of honeybees! Discovered a love of AlphaFold and computation in general.
2021-22. An intern studying in Southampton who came to Sydney for a stint working with Joel and Ingrid (mostly Ingrid!) before finishing off his degree in the UK. Had a chance to explore the wonderful world of BET bromodomain proteins – and to actually get into the lab after a frustrating lab-less time during COVID.
2016-2019. PhD student working with Jacqui *and* Joel. Tricky position but handled it with aplomb!
2016-20. Recently finished PhD student with Joel. Amazingly managed to successfully juggle a PhD with motherhood – mighty impressive…
2023. Masters student from Heinrich Heine University in Germany, who worked with Joel, Clement and Lucien on the mechanisms underlying regulation of CHD4 chromatin remodelling activity.
2024 BSc Hons student who worked with Joel and Lihua, leaving her finance major behind to plunge into the worlds of gene regulation and mRNA display.
2024 BSc Hons student who worked with Joel to peer under the hood of CHD4 and figure out how it works… Never got to see her companion in the lab though, unfortunately.