Protein structure, function and engineering

Joel tackles the Stoos Trail ultra in Switzerland

Jul 12, 2024

Report from Joel:

To cap off a week of hiking with Jacqui in the Swiss alps last week – and get a last glimpse at this extraordinarily scenic part of the world, I turned up for the 46-km Stoos Trail ultramarathon.

It was a very local, low-key event with several distances available (only about 140 people in the ultra), meaning no need for an entry lottery like some events – he could just enter a few weeks prior and Bob’s your uncle. And of course the other reason I chose it was the scenery…is located on a mountain trail near Brunnen, south of Zurich – though hard to go wrong in Switzerland…

Unfortunately the scenery comes at a price – the price being the initial 1200-m climb, an additional 1200 m of climbing, and the quad-crushing finish – a 1500-m drop in 12 km. but they were worth it, I think you’ll agree from the photos!

Event was super well organised, plenty of well stocked aid stations, it had it all. Given recent complete lack of running though (due to a minor injury), I was relying on cycling to get me over the line – and it did. Finished pretty much exactly mid pack, just like at the Kunanyi ultra in Hobart in April – it’s my new race place, it seems…

Highly recommended if you’re in that part of the world.