Protein structure, function and engineering

Joel attends ICMRBS in Seoul – and checks out the impressive bike infrastructure of S. Korea

Sep 18, 2024

Travelled to Seoul for the ICMRBS NMR conference – with my old Ti road bike in tow to spend 3 days on 4 rivers before the meeting. It’s a 600-km purpose built separate bike path from the top to the bottom (Incheon to Busan). It was my first time in South Korea so was interested to just get a feel for the country – and what better way than to ride form one end to the other!

Day 1
After arriving late ish in Seoul, I assembled the bike but then spent some time wheeling the box around the local suburb until after midnight in the rain on an ultimately fruitless attempt to find somewhere to store it while I rode. The hotel eventually took pity on me and have stored it for me

The bike path is amazing. Much of the time it is a separate road of its own – not just a separated part of a normal road.

90% flat hotmix and no traffic – a dream. Toms of roadies out hammering the path around Seoul but eventually I was on my own in the more regional part of the country. Perhaps partly because it was about 35 degrees… a short thunderstorm brought relief and then more pleasant T as the late afternoon came.

The unexpected highlight was going into a small local cafe where the people were super friendly and an older chap spoke a little English – and had painted amazing murals on the cafe walls and ceilings. Somehow was just a very uplifting little intersection with him and the owners that gave me extra energy after the hot middle of the day.

Great day overall. My $40 hotel in Suanbo gave a cyclist discount and even came with a cat… what more could you ask?!


Day 2

The day started with the only significant climbs of the tour – up to about 500 m as I headed over from one river valley to the next (including simultaneous Zoom meeting with US agrochemical company about a collaboration…).

The rest of the day was flat, good quality path – tho oven-like with T over 35 and not that much shade. Much visiting of shops with AC selling cold drinks….pace slowed as the day wore on…

One break came at the bike museum! The plywood and carbon affair was my favourite I think…

Ended up at a small town with a motel that was fine – and very tasty Bibimbap at a local restaurant.

Tough day at the office…


Day 3

Another tough day with Ts pushing 40 in the sun – but cooled a little later on and pace improved as the end came nearer…

Having my lunch served by a robot was certainly a highlight!

Made it to Busan without incident and sneaked bike onto a fast train back to Seoul in the evening.

Great dinner from a hole in the wall place at 11 pm or so and then a very good hostel in the Myeongdon district.

Done and dusted. A great way to get a snapshot of the country on a very well organised and high quality bike trail – but perhaps not the optimal time of the year! Also perhaps a little too much agricultural land – but you have to feed the nation!