We finished off 2024 with one current lab member getting engaged and one former lab member also getting engaged! Recently completed BSc Hons student Simone is now engaged to her partner Shay (who recently completed a Film Studies degree at USyd and is hoping to head to drama school in 2025), while former Hons student and research assistant Tash was the recipient of an elegant (and practical) silicone ring from her engineer partner Harrison. Both romantic gestures, but it’s likely that only Tash’s ring will be able to be used to reseal a leaking camp stove when in the bush… I should also add that Harrisoin’s proposal was made when they were half-way up a 270-m, eight-pitch climb in the Blue Mountains known as Bunny Bucket buttress. If you want a sense of what that means, here is a description of the climb and here (photo1, photo2) are a couple of random photos of people on the same climb that I found on the net… Simone’s proposal likely had a lower chance of resulting in death, though you’ll be relieved to hear that neither proposal resulted in serious injury.
Congratulations to both couples!