Joel hits the trails in the UTA 50-km race
A friend of Joel's had to pull out of the Ultra Trail Australia 50-km race in the Blue Mountains recently and offered Joel his entry at short notice. Given that he wasn't in 'race shape' - whatever that means - he went for the social option and ran the event juggling. Much less pressure to run a good time (and much more cheering from the crowd!). Weather held out and it was a great day out on the trails - he managed to get around in 7h 40 or so (25% of the way down the finishing list) - definitely happy with that. Strava post here.
Ahhh – it’s still one of my favourite sights in science…
...a sweet 15N-HSQC titration. Last minute effort to add that extra piece of preliminary data to the grant application - and who would have believed that it would actually pan out - but it did! All thanks to Ingrid's protein production skills and Alex Norman's (postdoc in collaborator Rich Payne's lab) peptide synthesis expertise. I just got to do the only bit that I know how to do - the HSQC titration. Let's hope the assessors enjoy looking at it as much as I do!
Xmas stroll in the Royal National Park
Joel and Jacqui took advantage of the cool weather to head down the RNP and see what the wildflower situation was like. It's still pretty impressive - and we even spotted some native orchids with amazing dappled petals. The bridge at Audley is very Monet-esque too... And plenty of wildlife on show, mostly in the lizard department. Then there were the Aboriginal carvings hidden away on the Uloola ridge...
Jacqui invited to speak at the triennial GATA meeting in 2015
In the latest of a recent glut of international speaking invitations (Gordon Conference in the US and the Prague Spring Meeting being the most recent), Jacqui has been invited to speak at the GATA meeting, which will be held next year on the island of Kos in...
Marylène’s paper on designer RNA-binding proteins has been accepted in Angew. Chem.
Slightly too late to allow us to celebrate with her, but a good belated going-away present nonetheless. Steph and Mitch also put in plenty of work and several other people in the lab were involved too... The full citation is: Engineering Specificity Changes on a...
Soumya is given the nod
The official word has come through that Soumya has now qualified for her PhD degree. Graduation will no doubt follow soon, but you can practise calling her Dr Joseph in the meantime... Congratulations Soumya!
Jason gets hitched
Recently, Jason tied the knot with Dr Melissa Erce in a ceremony in Pymble that was followed by a splendid and intricately organized reception at the Sergeant's Mess at Chowder Bay. Both events were attended by a number of lab members - but for those of you who...
Gracing the cover of JBC…
Dave Gell's latest paper, on which Mitchell and Joel made a small contribution, has been featured on the cover of JBC. The paper, which is built on fantastic work by Claire Dickson, Kaavya Krishna Kumar and David Jacques, shows the structure of a bacterial iron...
Latest lab paper
A small invited commentary in J Mol Biol on non-specific DNA-binding proteins...
NHMRC, ARC and Cancer Council success
The lab was lucky enough to pick up a few grants in this year's annual funding bunfight. Joel was awarded an NHMRC grant with Tom Gonda and Dave Segal aimed at looking at the nucleic-acid binding properties of human transcription factors and a second one (with Nick...
Joel advances to high school
Last week, Joel responded to a request from the science department at Ascham School in Edgecliff to visit and give a talk on protein folding - the same talk that he gave at MLC in Burwood a few months ago. Joel is talking with the teachers about additional...
Joel goes back to primary school (again).
Joel has been involved with the CSIRO's Scientists in Schools program for 5 or so years now, and recently visited his long-term partner school - Strathfield North Public School - spending 2 days with the year 5 and 6 students teaching them about the principles of...
Flyp and Lorna’s ECPM success
At the recent East Coast Protein Meeting, Philippa won the ComBio award based on her talk and CV - entitling her to travel to ComBio in Perth this year to present her work to a wider audience. At the same time, Lorna picked up the postdoc poster prize for...
Saad hands in!
Saad has just summited that seemingly gargantuan mountain of thesis writing and handed in a very nice looking PhD thesis on interactions within his favourite protein complex. Now, time to take a breather and try to remind his family what he looks like! Well done...
A blast from the past…
Look what turned up in a lab cleanup a little while ago. What is the probability of finding a gel that has lanes on it from both Jacqui *and* Joel being at the bench at the same time?!?! See it with your own eyes! I would note that the lanes with the best...