Marylène est maintenant une mère
Congratulations to former postdoc Marylene Vandevenne and her husband Mathieu, who have become the proud parents of baby Alice on 27 March. I've been informed that she (Alice that is) is sleeping soundly from 10 pm till 7 am - which sounds like a great start to me!
Xavier and Betsy’s graduation
Xavier and Betsy, who did Honours with Joel and Ann, respectively, graduated in May in full pomp and ceremony - and Jason got his chance to stand in for Joel on the stage - with the special floppy hat...
Michael Webster wins EMBO Fellowship
Michael, who has just recently finished his PhD at the LMB in Cambridge with Lori Passmore, has been successful in winning an EMBO postdoctoral fellowship to fund his work in Albert Weixlbaumer's lab in Strasbourg. Here, he will investigate how translation is linked to transcription in bacteria, by assembling complexes of ribosomes and RNA polymerases and characterizing their structure by cryo-EM and their activity with biochemical assays. A fantastic opportunity - and a great place for us to visit if we happen to be in that part of the world - well done Michael!
Joel and Jacqui win cancer research grants
Joel and Jacqui were recently awarded 1-year grants from the Cancer Institute NSW to examine specific aspects of cancer biology.
Liza wins a cancer research grant
Dr Liza Cubeddu has been successful in obtaining a three-year research grant from the International Society for Cancer Research; this grant will fund the work that she is doing in collaboration with Jacqui on the analysis of protein interactions involved in breast...
Dave nails a fellowship and a Discovery Grant
Dr Dave Gell was successful in the recent round of ARC Discovery Grants - he was awarded a Discovery Grant to continue his analysis of the alpha-hemoglobin stabilizing protein AHSP. The grant included an Australian Research Fellowship, so that will keep him off the...
Fionna does it again!
Fionna has proven that her Lorne Poster Prize this year was no fluke by winning a poster prize at the 2006 ComBio conference in Brisbane. Her poster described structural and functional details of RanBP-like zinc finger domains.
Fionna wins Lorne poster prize
Fionna has scaled the heights of poster prizeness by picking up one of the poster prizes at the 2006 Lorne Protein Conference, for her poster on the splicing factor ZNF265.
Joel wins the Gottschalk medal
Joel has been awarded the 2006 Gottschalk Medal of the Australian Academy of Science. This award, in memory of Dr A Gottschalk, is given to recognise outstanding research in the medical sciences by scientists under 40 years. Joel is the second member of the School...
Daniel, Molly and Mugda successful at SPG Thompson Prize night
Daniel Ryan won the Sydney Protein Group Thompson Prize, for the best talk given by a young scientist, at the 2005 Thompson Prize Night at Macquarie University on Dec 7th. At the same event it was announced that Molly Clifton and Mugdha Bhati won travelling...
Jacqui wins ARC Grant
In yet more ARC success this year, Jacqui was successful in her bid for a Discovery Grant to fund her work on LIM domain proteins and their role in mammalian development.
Joel and Merlin score ARC Discovery Grant
In a continuation of their long collaboration, Joel and Merlin have been awarded a $550K ARC Discovery Grant to work on transcriptional regulators involved in hematopoiesis.
Ann wins ARC Postdoctoral Fellowship
Dr Ann Kwan has won a prestigious ARC Postdoctoral Fellowship in the current round of ARC funding. This fellowship is just reward for Ann's abilities and is a great stepping stone for her career as a researcher. She intends to work on protein design using...
Lab receives crystallization robotics system
We recently were awarded funding to set up a robotic crystallization facility, and have purchased liquid handling, crystallization and visualization robots in order to improve our hit rate with protein crystallization. These instruments have recently arrived in the...
Margie wins RD Wright Fellowship
Dr Margie Sunde has just been awarded a thoroughly deserved RD Wright fellowship from the NHMRC. This five-year fellowship is very prestigious and will give Margie a great chance to consolidate her research with independent funding.