Protein structure, function and engineering


Marylène est maintenant une mère

Congratulations to former postdoc Marylene Vandevenne and her husband Mathieu, who have become the proud parents of baby Alice on 27 March. I've been informed that she (Alice that is) is sleeping soundly from 10 pm till 7 am - which sounds like a great start to me!

Xavier and Betsy’s graduation

Xavier and Betsy, who did Honours with Joel and Ann, respectively, graduated in May in full pomp and ceremony - and Jason got his chance to stand in for Joel on the stage - with the special floppy hat...

Michael Webster wins EMBO Fellowship

Michael, who has just recently finished his PhD at the LMB in Cambridge with Lori Passmore, has been successful in winning an EMBO postdoctoral fellowship to fund his work in Albert Weixlbaumer's lab in Strasbourg. Here, he will investigate how translation is linked to transcription in bacteria, by assembling complexes of ribosomes and RNA polymerases and characterizing their structure by cryo-EM and their activity with biochemical assays. A fantastic opportunity - and a great place for us to visit if we happen to be in that part of the world - well done Michael!

Have been off X for months but had to log in to see response to AF3. I am much less smart than the authors - but am I (and Erin) the only ones to think that the helical afros that it makes out of IDRs is totally weird? Am I missing something?

Amazing story from the lab down the corridor - @RezwanSidd working with Sandro Ataide and Ruth Hall in @SydneySOLES at @Sydney_Science - now they will be thrown into the gladiators' pit I suspect with the other protagonists that prowl this landscape! 🙂 Great piece of work!

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Fionna does it again!

Fionna does it again!

Fionna has proven that her Lorne Poster Prize this year was no fluke by winning a poster prize at the 2006 ComBio conference in Brisbane. Her poster described structural and functional details of RanBP-like zinc finger domains.

Joel wins the Gottschalk medal

Joel wins the Gottschalk medal

Joel has been awarded the 2006 Gottschalk Medal of the Australian Academy of Science. This award, in memory of Dr A Gottschalk, is given to recognise outstanding research in the medical sciences by scientists under 40 years. Joel is the second member of the School...