Protein structure, function and engineering


Mehdi and Jason’s paper accepted at FEBS J

In exciting news, we have had our paper "The stoichiometry and interactome of the Nucleosome Remodelling and Deacetylase (NuRD) complex are conserved across multiple cell lines" accepted in FEBS J [epub here]. It's particularly exciting both because it's Mehdi's first first-author paper from his PhD and it is also Jason's first last- and corresponding-author paper. Congratulate them if you see them... The stoichiometry and interactome of the Nucleosome Remodeling and Deacetylase (NuRD) complex is conserved across multiple cell...

Ingrid’s life changes dramatically…

Congratulations to Ingrid and Percy on the successful and drama-free (as much as it can be) birth of their son Toby Macindoe. He was born on Feb 18 at Prince of Wales and both he and his mother are doing just fine!

Have been off X for months but had to log in to see response to AF3. I am much less smart than the authors - but am I (and Erin) the only ones to think that the helical afros that it makes out of IDRs is totally weird? Am I missing something?

Amazing story from the lab down the corridor - @RezwanSidd working with Sandro Ataide and Ruth Hall in @SydneySOLES at @Sydney_Science - now they will be thrown into the gladiators' pit I suspect with the other protagonists that prowl this landscape! 🙂 Great piece of work!

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Cover Story

Cover Story

Our most recent paper, a collaboration with Peter Karuso, on the solution properties of DNA-binding ruthenium complexes, made the cover of Dalton Transactions, a Royal Society of Chemistry...