Protein structure, function and engineering


Jessica, Karishma and Charlotte band together to win Seed Funding Grant

Dr Jessica Zhong has recruited two other ECR colleagues - Dr Karishma Patel and Dr Charlotte Franck - to win a $50,000 reserach grant to support work aimed at developing peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) as possible solutions to the antibiotic resistance crisis. Totally awesome - and I'm pretty sure the first time *three* people who've come through the lab have been successful in a joint grant appplication! Congratulations Jessica, Karishma and Charlotte!

Varroa pesticide work hits the headlines

Unsurprisingly, there has been a significant surge in interest in Varroa mites in the last month or so, with the outbreak in NSW. This has resulted in quite a lot of publicity for our work on selective pesticides to tackle the mite, with the latest being an article on the ABC News website.  

Varroa research gets a mention in Japan!

Japan's Science and Technology Agency has picked up the recent publicity around our Varroa-mite-specific pesticide project by featuring it briefly on their website. Tash will be able to read it to you!

Amazing story from the lab down the corridor - @RezwanSidd working with Sandro Ataide and Ruth Hall in @SydneySOLES at @Sydney_Science - now they will be thrown into the gladiators' pit I suspect with the other protagonists that prowl this landscape! 🙂 Great piece of work!

Robert Smith of The Cure turns 65 today. In one sentence, he provided the most British response ever to hyped-up American popular culture.

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Funding opportunities for ECRs

Funding opportunities for ECRs

Here is an amazing resource put together by some folks at Johns Hopkins, showing funding opportunities (and travel grant opportunities) for PhD students, postdocs and ECRs: Early career faculty funding opportunities Postdoc funding opportunities PhD funding...

Maryam submits!

Maryam submits!

Maryam looks slightly dazed for good reason - she has just handed in her PhD thesis - well inside the time allowed. Along the way, she decided that moving country to do a PhD wasn't sufficiently challenging and so upped the stakes by becoming a mother for the first...

Charlotte wins prize!

Charlotte wins prize!

Charlotte Franck - who has been doing her PhD riding the line between Richard Payne's lab in Chemistry and Joel's lab - has had some payoff for the great work she's done on her evasin project, winning a poster prize at the 2020 Lorne Conference on Protein Structure...

The Rock

The Rock

In news of great excitement, I can announce that there is another lab matrimonial union on its way! Taylor and Rezwan have announced their engagement - in fine style while on a small weekend getaway in Mudgee. They have decided to make the most of the whole thing...