Flyp and Lorna’s ECPM success
At the recent East Coast Protein Meeting, Philippa won the ComBio award based on her talk and CV - entitling her to travel to ComBio in Perth this year to present her work to a wider audience. At the same time, Lorna picked up the postdoc poster prize for describing her recent work, so Jacqui's group had a successful outing overall!
Saad hands in!
Saad has just summited that seemingly gargantuan mountain of thesis writing and handed in a very nice looking PhD thesis on interactions within his favourite protein complex. Now, time to take a breather and try to remind his family what he looks like! Well done Saad - top effort!
A blast from the past…
Look what turned up in a lab cleanup a little while ago. What is the probability of finding a gel that has lanes on it from both Jacqui *and* Joel being at the bench at the same time?!?! See it with your own eyes! I would note that the lanes with the best expression were mine...
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