Katschi gets the final go-ahead
Katschi has had the final stamp of approval on her PhD thesis, and will be handing in the absolutely final, bound and authorized copy this week, crossing her fingers to make the April graduation. I'm guessing she's quite pleased about that...
Herman is a winner too!
In a symbolic event for our historically NMR-focused lab, Herman has won a poster prize at the Asian Crystallography Conference that was held in Adelaide last week. The meeting also featured the Bragg Symposium commemorating the contribution made by the Adelaide-raised Braggs to crystallography. Herman's poster was entitled "Haloalkane dehalogenase of Mycobacterium rhodesiae JS60". Good stuff Herman!
Morgan wins the SPG Thompson Prize!
Tonight, the Sydney Protein Group had their annual Thompson Prize event, pitting PhD students from around the region against each other in 10-minute talks. We had Mitch and Morgan going head to head with students from a range of places, and in a tough context Morgan took out the prize for his talk about the crystal structure he has recently solved. Champion work Morgan (and commiserations Mitch!). At the same meeting, Herman was awarded one of the SPG's Lorne travel scholarships, which should get him to Victoria and back.
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