Marylene wins SPG ECR Prize
This one slipped through the news net - apologies for that Marylène... On 15 June, the Sydney Protein Group had an Early Career Researcher event in which six speakers (including Marylène and Ana) vied for the opportunity to get a guaranteed speaking slot at the upcoming ComBio conference in Adelaide. After a series of high-quality talks, the judges awarded the prize to Marylène for her talk on the DNA-binding properties of ZNF217. Now she is packing her bags for Adelaide (well, not quite yet, but you get what I mean) - congratulations Marlène!
Cuong hands in his thesis – for good!
A huge collective sigh of relief was heard from the Nguyen household the other day when Cuong finished his thesis corrections and handed in the final copy of his thesis to the University! All three of his examiners' reports were excellent - commenting how well written and error-free the thesis was - and the corrections were very minor. Great timing - now he can make his move to UNSW (where he will be postdocing with Paul Curmi) with the thesis all dealt with and squared away. Congratulations Cuong!
Katschi’s done it!
The other day Katschi did that momentous deed - handing in her PhD thesis. Yay! No more staying up all night (unless she wants to of course)... Well done Katschi - fantastic effort!!
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