Richard Grant in the news
Richard Grant - ex-Mackay-lab postdoc, is now an associate editor at the Faculty of 1000 - the group of experts that review papers across a range of different fields and make note of ones that seem worth a read - and has been in the news recently with F1000's decision to create a journal ranking system based on its data: check it out. Good to see he is making himself useful!
Jacqui gets elected… the Executive Council of the Protein Society. It is possible that she is the first person from down under to be elected to the Council! Expect a push for lab members to attend the Protein Society meetings! Actually, I went to one in Zurich not long ago and it was excellent...
Jacqui and Lorna’s latest paper comes out in PNAS
Lorna's paper describing the multi-protein complexes formed by LMO2, GATA-1, LDB1 and - thrown in for good measure - FOG1 has appeared in the latest issue of PNAS - check it out here. You can also have a look at the structure in our structure gallery - number 43.
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