Protein structure, function and engineering


Long awaited photos of Joel’s European bike trip!

Phew! After two months, I have finally sifted through 2000 photos of my recent cycle touring jaunt through Europe and come up with a subset to keep! Having kept a travel diary while away was an inspired way of making it easier to sort through the photos and annotate them - definitely will be using that option in the future... Check out the photos on Joel and Jacqui's site here [Warning - there are a lot!].

Joel successful at NSW Paddy Pallin Rogaine.

In the absence of any other interesting news at the moment, it can be reported that in a prime example of collaboration across the university, Joel and Andrew Black from the Research Office (together with non-USyd person Glenn Horrocks) got up to win the 6-hour Paddy Pallin rogaine yesterday. The event (which involves navigating around an area of bushland looking for small orange flags - does that sound like your kind of fun?) was held in Brisbane Water National Park just north of the Hawkesbury and featured some superb clifftop views and some great mossy creeks and gullies. Jacqui also competed, steering a couple of novice rogainers around the course, and A/Prof. Gareth Denyer was...

Paul allowed to stay in country now!

Congratulations to Paul, who has just been granted Australian permanent residency, which among other benefits means that we won't have to keep hiding him in the solvent cabinet when the immigration people come to inspect the School.

Have been off X for months but had to log in to see response to AF3. I am much less smart than the authors - but am I (and Erin) the only ones to think that the helical afros that it makes out of IDRs is totally weird? Am I missing something?

Amazing story from the lab down the corridor - @RezwanSidd working with Sandro Ataide and Ruth Hall in @SydneySOLES at @Sydney_Science - now they will be thrown into the gladiators' pit I suspect with the other protagonists that prowl this landscape! 🙂 Great piece of work!

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