Protein structure, function and engineering


Socks and Soumya win poster prizes at the ECPM

Sock Yue Thong won the prize for the best poster and Soumya Joseph won third prize for her poster at the East Coast Protein Meeting, held in Coffs Harbour over the weekend. The ECPM is a joint initiative of the Sydney Protein Group and the Queensland Protein Group and is held every two years. The meeting focuses on giving younger scientists the opportunity to give oral presentations. Socks' poster outlined her work on the structural analysis of proteins in the NuRD complex. Mitch O'Connell, Robyn Mansfield, Ingrid MacIndoe, Vanessa Morris and Paula Vaz won travel awards to attend the meeting.

Mitch wins Cancer Institute NSW Award

Mitch O'Connell has followed in Eija's Finnish footsteps. After winning a University Medal for his undergraduate degree in 2008, Mitch has been successful in winning a Cancer Institute NSW Research Scholar Award, which will help fund his research project and provide funding for conference travel and other expenses. Top effort Mitch - the pipette tips are on you!

Fionna wins a fellowship

Fionna Loughlin, who finished her PhD with Joel in 2007, has just been awarded an ETH Postdoctoral Fellowship to work on the structural biology of protein-RNA complexes in the laboratory of Fred Allain in Zürich. Well done Fionna - thoroughly deserved!

Have been off X for months but had to log in to see response to AF3. I am much less smart than the authors - but am I (and Erin) the only ones to think that the helical afros that it makes out of IDRs is totally weird? Am I missing something?

Amazing story from the lab down the corridor - @RezwanSidd working with Sandro Ataide and Ruth Hall in @SydneySOLES at @Sydney_Science - now they will be thrown into the gladiators' pit I suspect with the other protagonists that prowl this landscape! 🙂 Great piece of work!

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