Protein structure, function and engineering


Joel sneaks home in English 100-km event

Joel teamed up with Richard Green, Jaap Bakker and Jonathan Worswick to win the inaugural Oxfam Trailtrekker 100-km race in the Yorkshire Dales recently. The four of them completed the course (running together), which took in parts of the Pennine Way and the Dales Way, in 13 h 28 min. You can even watch a video of the event (don't worry - it's only 5 min - not 13.5 h!) made by Jaap - including soundtrack!

Richard Grant hits the headlines

Richard - ex-postdoctoral associate with Joel - is now working for the Faculty of 1000 in London, trying to make the scientific literature more easily accessible, and was recently interviewed about his predilection for blogging in The Australian newspaper [read the article].

Its official! We work in Sydney’s ugliest building!

Letter to the editor in The Sydney Morning Herald (Tues 19 May, 2009): Response to: "Star City, the ugliest building in Sydney (Letters, May 18)?" "The interior, perhaps, but from the outside it is a model of grace and beauty compared with the UTS Tower, voted Sydney's ugliest building by Herald readers in 2006. But if you ask me, the ugliest is Sydney University's G08 Biochemistry and Microbiology building (1973); more than just brutalist, this is from the Maginot Line school of architecture, inside and out. Martin Kuskis Lindfield"

Have been off X for months but had to log in to see response to AF3. I am much less smart than the authors - but am I (and Erin) the only ones to think that the helical afros that it makes out of IDRs is totally weird? Am I missing something?

Amazing story from the lab down the corridor - @RezwanSidd working with Sandro Ataide and Ruth Hall in @SydneySOLES at @Sydney_Science - now they will be thrown into the gladiators' pit I suspect with the other protagonists that prowl this landscape! 🙂 Great piece of work!

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