Mugdha and Ingrid blitz the Lorne Conference!
Mugdha and Ingrid both won poster prizes at the recent Lorne Conference on Protein Structure and Function for their presentations on LIM homeodomain and hydrophobin proteins, respectively. Miriam-Rose Ash and David Jacques from the crystallography side of the structural biology unit also picked up prizes too - not a bad haul overall!
Ann appointed as NMR Instrument Manager
Ann has finally given in to her desire to work in or near a workshop and been appointed as our new NMR Instrument Manager. In this, she follows in the footsteps of Dr Bill Bubb, who did an excellent job of keeping our 400 and 600-MHz instruments in tip-top condition. Ann's first job is to oversee the installation of our new 800-MHz instrument - not a bad way to kick off! I have a hunch that Ann is going to be an exceptional instrument manager...
Ann wins ANZMAG Young Investigator Award
Ann was awarded the Young Investigator Medal from the Australian and NZ Society for Magnetic Resonance. This medal recognizes an outstanding contribution to the field of magnetic resonance in Australia and New Zealand, by a researcher who is less than 38 or is less than eight years out of their PhD. Ann has not only carried out high quality research in NMR, but has contributed significantly to the NMR community in Australia, making contributions to conference organization and to teaching at the Wollongong NMR courses in recent years. In the words of our ANZMAG president, Gottfried Otting, Ann has gone from NMR student to imparter of NMR knowledge in the last eight years. Well deserved,...
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