Protein structure, function and engineering

Two babies in one day?!

Two babies in one day?!

I think I can safely say that this is the first time we have had two ‘lab babies’ delivered on the same day… Raina Wong (PhD 2005) is now the proud mother of baby Alana.
Even better than a poster prize…

Even better than a poster prize…

All right – I suppose this is bigger news than the poster prize – Jason is now the proud father of young Jason Low Jr (at least I’m assuming that’s his name) – although you can see that he clearly wasn’t very interested in the...

Jason wins a poster prize!

Jason attended the Bosch Institute Annual Scientific and Young Investigator’s Meeting last week and walked away with the Genesearch Prize for an outstanding poster presentation. His poster title was ‘What’s in a NuRD? Strategies to elucidate the...