Protein structure, function and engineering

Varroa pesticide work hits the headlines

Varroa pesticide work hits the headlines

Unsurprisingly, there has been a significant surge in interest in Varroa mites in the last month or so, with the outbreak in NSW. This has resulted in quite a lot of publicity for our work on selective pesticides to tackle the mite, with the latest being an article on...
A NuRD for all seasons…

A NuRD for all seasons…

…is the title of our new review that is going to appear in Trends in Biochem Sci very soon. A sneak preview is here. In the paper – shaped by Xavier and Jason – we ponder on the observation that multiple paralogues are observed for all members of our...
Varroa research gets a mention in Japan!

Varroa work in the spotlight

Our work to design safer insecticides – particularly ones targeting honeybee pests (which was funded recently by Horticultural Innovations Australia) – has become more immediately topical overnight with a report (and followups 1 2) that the dreaded Varroa...
Rogaine outing with collaborator Alyson Ashe

Rogaine outing with collaborator Alyson Ashe

Joel and Alyson participated in the 2022 Paddy Pallin 6-hour rogaine yesterday – organized by the NSW Rogaining Association. Weather was perfect and had a fantastic outing – Alyson’s first ever rogaine, but she smashed it – a complete natural....